ta-da!!!! Here is the Jedi costume that I was all wrapped up with (for what felt like forever...sorry, Honey). I made everything here except the pants. Inner tunic, outer tunic, cloak, belt, even boot covers. The boot covers were made the night before Halloweeen...bought the pattern, came home and got right to work on them. They are just a "make do" for now because he couldn't find appropriate boots. The belt was actually finished about 15 minutes before leaving for trick-or-treating because I ran out of matching thread and had to get more that afternoon (thanks Shirley...glad you were there!!!).
Oh, btw...he grew the beard specifically for this costume. And after this photo shoot, he went into the house and proceeded to go back his old clean-shaven self! Yay!!
Btw - I loaded these photos on the small side, for those of you on dial-up. Just click on a photo if you'd like to see more detail in a larger pic.
Great costume and great beard. Grow the beard back!!! We're lovin these pics in S.C.
You know, you'd fit right in at Charter...
Very authentic; I'm quite impressed!!! Good job Dana -- Lee owe's you! And Lee, you look great (p.s. I, too, think you should keep the beard but then, you already knew that!)--looking forward to what you two come up with next year!
All I can say is....
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