Well, Morgan inherited my bad eyes. She mentioned last week that things on the chalkboard and overhead project have been fuzzy. When I spoke with her teacher about it, she said she had recently noticed that Morgan was getting up, or leaning in, to look at things. We took her for an eye exam Monday evening and her vision was 20/40.
Yesterday after school we went frame shopping and at the fourth store she found what she liked the best. An hour later....she was seeing great!
It's hard to tell in these pics, but the frames are a gorgeous purple metal. She was in a silly mood...can ya tell?!?!!

Morgan looks beautiful in glasses, and so mature. Justin got glasses at that same age and so did I. Karen
Morgan -- you look very "stylish" in your glasses; quite a beautiful young lady -- and such a good choice in frames; very, very nice! : )
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